How To Stop Nail Biting: Mouthguards And Other Solutions

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Nail-biting impacts around 30 percent of children and 15 percent of adults. As it is a common habit, many overlook how problematic nail-biting can be. Sometimes, nail biting is a sign of emotional and mental stress. It is also difficult to stop, especially when it is caused by stress. If you cannot break the habit alone, your dentist in Newmarket can help with a solution like mouthguards.

Why Stop Biting Your Nails

Beyond being an antisocial habit, you should want to stop biting your nails for several reasons. First, nail biting is unhygienic. Nails are full of bacteria — almost twice as much as you find on your hands. If you ingest even fragments of your nails, you may suffer stomach problems.

Another reason is it is bad for your teeth. Nail-biting can lead to worn-down and crooked teeth and is particularly problematic for wearers of braces. The impacts on your teeth can mean expensive dental treatment over the long term.

How to Break the Habit

There are several measures you can take to stop biting your nails. For one thing, you can try to make your nails less attractive to bite. By cutting them short, you’ll have fewer nails to bite. You can also try a bitter nail polish that leaves an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Finally, you should consider when and where you bite your nails to be aware of triggers.

How Our Dentist Can Help

See our dentist near you if you cannot stop biting your nails alone. You can receive a custom mouthguard to use at times when you are most likely to start biting. Your dentist will make an impression on your teeth to create a mouthguard that fits comfortably and allows you to talk normally.
