Dental Sealants: Your Ally In Protecting Your Kid’s Teeth

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Child to the dentist

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that dentists put on your teeth to protect them from the risks of dental caries. Dental caries or cavities develop when food residue isn’t thoroughly cleaned after eating. Since molar teeth have more crevices, that’s where dentists usually apply the sealants.
Unfortunately, children’s teeth are more prone to dental caries than adults’. Kids are very fond of sweets, yet they can be sluggish in their oral hygiene routine. Parents might not help it, too, since their mouths can be small enough to clean every nook and cranny properly. That’s why having a dental sealant procedure could greatly help you prevent your kid’s teeth from being damaged.

Dental sealants procedure

Dentists sometimes recommend tooth sealants for babies whose primary teeth have erupted. Especially if that tooth has deep grooves, it’s best to coat it to prevent the progression of tooth decay. Although primary teeth fall off after a few years, your child shouldn’t lose them before the permanent one emerges. The missing tooth will create a gap, likely leading to teeth misalignment. To avoid that from happening, investing in dental sealants in Newmarket is a good idea.

Before the procedure, the dentist will examine your kid’s teeth and check for signs of plaque. Before applying the coat, he must remove them if he finds some. Oral prophylaxis may be necessary during this stage. After this, the dentist follows this dental sealants procedure:

  • The dentist near you dries each tooth and uses cotton for this procedure. He will also place an absorbent material around the teeth to keep them dry throughout treatment.
  • After ensuring the teeth are dry, he applies the acid solution to the chewing surface of the involved teeth. The purpose of the acid is to roughen the teeth and help the dental sealants to bond correctly.
  • He then rinses the teeth with water and uses suction to clear them away. He uses cotton again to dry the bites.
  • This time, he paints the sealant on the teeth surfaces. He makes sure that every pit and fissure has been filled. He uses a tiny brush to scatter the coating and cover deep crevices.
  • The final dental sealant procedure is to use a special curing light on the coating to harden it permanently.

This simple process can protect your child’s permanent teeth for over 10 years. However, this doesn’t mean your kid could already practice poor oral hygiene. It’s best not to miss a day of brushing and flossing. Most importantly, your kid should regularly see his Newmarket dentist to maintain optimal dental health.
