What To Do When You Need a 24-Hour Emergency Dentist?

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what to do when you need emergency dentist

Emergencies don’t follow a schedule, and dental issues are no exception. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night with a severe toothache or experiencing a sudden dental trauma during the weekend. In such moments, the services of a 24-hour emergency dentist become invaluable.

Let us explore the significance of getting prompt treatment for your dental emergency near you and why having access to around-the-clock oral care is crucial.

The Urgency of Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can strike at any time, often at the most inconvenient moments. Whether it’s a sudden injury during a sports activity, severe pain in the middle of the night, or a dental crown falling out before an important event, these situations require prompt attention to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and preserve oral health.

The Role of a 24-Hour Emergency Dentist

Unlike regular dental appointments, dental emergencies cannot wait for the next available slot. This is where 24-hour emergency dentists step in to fill the crucial gap in healthcare services. These dedicated professionals are available outside of regular office hours, including weekends and holidays, to address urgent dental issues promptly.

Here are common treatments offered by emergency dentists:

  • Pain management
  • Toothache relief
  • Repairing a chipped or broken tooth
  • Tooth extraction
  • Root canal therapy
  • Replacement of lost dental restorations
  • Treatment of trauma or injury
  • Management of dental abscesses
  • Orthodontic emergencies
  • Prescribing medications

It’s important to note that while emergency dentists can provide immediate relief, follow-up appointments with a regular dentist may be necessary for comprehensive and ongoing care. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining oral health and preventing future emergencies. If you experience a dental emergency, seek emergency dental care promptly to address the issue and prevent potential complications.

Steps To Take For Managing Common Dental Emergencies

Assess the Situation

The first step is to assess the severity of the dental emergency. Is it causing severe pain? Is there bleeding? Are there any visible injuries or swelling? Understanding the urgency of the situation will help you determine if you need immediate dental care.

Contact an Emergency Dentist

Look for a dental clinic that offers 24-hour emergency services. Many dental practices have an emergency hotline or after-hours contact number specifically for situations like these. Don’t hesitate to call and explain your situation in detail.

Manage Pain

While waiting to see the dentist, you can manage pain using over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Refrain from applying aspirin directly to the affected area, as it may lead to burns on the gum tissue.

Address Bleeding

If there is bleeding, rinse your mouth gently with warm water and apply pressure to the area using a clean piece of gauze or cloth. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 10-15 minutes, seek immediate medical attention.

Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth

If a tooth has been knocked out, handle it carefully by the crown (the part that’s usually visible in the mouth) and avoid touching the roots. Rinse the tooth gently with water if it’s dirty, but do not scrub or remove any attached tissues. Attempt to reinsert the tooth into its socket if feasible, or maintain its moisture by placing it in a container of milk or saliva until you are able to see a dentist.

Manage Swelling

Swelling can indicate an infection or other serious dental issue. Apply a cold compress to the outside of the cheek or jaw near the affected area to help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

Avoid DIY Fixes

While it might be tempting to try and fix the problem all by yourself such as attempting to re-cement a crown or filling, it’s best to leave these tasks to a professional. DIY fixes can often cause more harm than good and may result in further damage to your teeth and gums.

Follow Up

After receiving emergency dental care, make sure to follow any instructions provided by the dentist for post-treatment care. This may include taking prescribed medications, avoiding certain foods or activities, and scheduling a follow-up appointment for further walk-in dental care if necessary.

Being prepared and knowing how to respond to a dental emergency can save you from unnecessary pain and complications. Remember to stay calm, assess the situation, and seek professional help promptly.

Keep28 Dental Centre: Your Partner in Dental Emergencies

If you’re in need of a reliable dental clinic that understands the urgency of dental emergencies, look no further than Keep28 Dental Centre. Our dedicated team of experienced dentist in Newmarket is committed to providing prompt and compassionate care. We prioritize your oral health and well-being, ensuring that you receive the attention you need when you need it the most.

Don’t let a dental emergency disrupt your life. Contact us for immediate assistance and let us help you get back to smiling again.


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