Gummy Smile Problem? Consider Using Gum Reduction

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  • Gummy Smile Problem? Consider Using Gum Reduction

Every smile is unique and beautiful. Some have a smile that may appear gummy, which is still irresistible! But, if you want to improve a gummy smile, your dentist may recommend gum reduction in Newmarket.

How does gum reduction in Newmarket work?

Excess gums may result in a gummy smile. Some patients may find this a little discomfiting and seek a cosmetic solution. In this case, a gum reduction method will be perfect. The procedure aims to remove extra gum tissues, especially those exposed when the patient opens their mouth. Once done, the transformation is indeed remarkable and changes your life for the best.

Is gum reshaping necessary?

There are different approaches to reshaping the gums. Some may need reduction, and then others may need more gum tissues. It all depends on your dentist’s evaluation. If you go to your dentist and would ask to improve a gummy smile, then that’s cosmetic contouring.

Nevertheless, gum reshaping becomes necessary when:

  • It would help if you had facial reconstruction after a severe physical trauma
  • Your gums are receding away from your teeth, which could lead to tooth loss
  • Your teeth become less effective in chewing your food because there are too many gums holding them
  • To reverse a gum infection or periodontal disease

There are a few other reasons why you will need gum contouring. If you realize that this treatment is for you, call your dentist so they can help you with your gum tissues.

What happens during gum reduction

Gum reduction is a surgical procedure done by your dentist. These are what you can expect during the treatment:

  1. Drawing on your gums to locate which part needs to be cut or change
  2. Applying local anesthetic on the affected site to numb it
  3. Removing or sculpting along the mark lines

Talk to your dentist if you are anxious about this treatment but want to proceed. There are options to help you relax on your dentist’s chair. They might suggest you consider sedation dentistry.

Visit our dentist near you soon and achieve that beautiful and healthy smile you dream of!
