How Broken Tooth Treatment Resolves The Cracked Tooth Problem?

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  • How Broken Tooth Treatment Resolves The Cracked Tooth Problem?
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Did you know that your tooth enamel is the most durable substance in your body? It has the highest mineral content of any body tissue, making it long-lasting and damage-resistant. Nevertheless, no matter how healthy your teeth are, they are still prone to stress and strains. You may need to undergo a broken tooth treatment to have your chipped and cracked tooth repaired. However, how will you know if you have a cracked tooth?

Symptoms of a cracked tooth

You may be suffering from a cracked tooth; however, you don’t know it until it’s already too late. You may have noticed a little pain while you were chewing on your favourite food. Also, you may have noticed tooth sensitivity while having some sweets or drinking hot and cold drinks. When you check in the mirror, you notice swelling gums around that sensitive tooth. These are all symptoms that you’re having a cracked tooth.

Types of cracked teeth crazy lines

These are minute cracks found in the tooth’s enamel. Patients won’t feel the need to have a broken tooth pain relief for this type of dental crack. Moreover, he won’t be needing any dental treatment as well.

Fractured Cusp

This type of crack usually happens when a tooth had a tooth filling. However, it doesn’t cause any damage to the tooth pulp and doesn’t cause too much pain.

Cracks that go to the gum line

There are times when a tooth obtains a vertical fracture that goes through the tooth enamel yet failed to reach the patient’s gum line. This type of crack is still salvageable and doesn’t require any dental treatment. However, once the break passes through the gum line, the Newmarket dentist needs to extract the damaged tooth.

Split tooth

It’s a type of tooth fracture where the crack travels from the tooth’s surface down to the gum line. Hence, the tooth is separated into two segments. It’s less likely that the entire tooth is salvageable although your dentist may be able to save a portion of your tooth. The dentist may suggest a suitable broken tooth treatment to help save your remaining tooth.

Vertical root fracture

Unlike the rest of the other tooth fractures, this type of damage starts from below the gum line. This type of tooth fracture is barely noticeable unless the affected tooth becomes infected. Patients who suffer from a vertical root fracture may ask their dentist for a broken tooth pain relief. A root canal treatment is done to clean the infected tooth. However, if the infection is severe, extraction would be the last option.

Decay-caused break

In this case, the diseased tooth has already crumbled because a cavity caused the tooth to weaken starting from the inside out. Your dentist needs to evaluate the severity of the cavity and recommend a broken tooth treatment to restore your tooth.

When do I need to undergo a broken tooth treatment?

Your treatment will depend on the size of the crack, the location and the symptoms. X-ray results won’t easily reveal a cracked tooth. That’s why a dentist needs to check your dental history to know if you have bruxism or if you’re fond of chewing on hard foods. He’ll also need to visually examine and run a dental explorer to feel for any crack in your teeth.

Next, he will use a dental dye so the crack stands out and then probe your gums to see if there is any inflammation. Soon after, he will take an X-ray of your teeth and ask you to bite down on something. If you have any impacted tooth, you will feel pain after you release your bite. Your dentist may suggest a broken tooth pain relief until he has offered the appropriate solution to your problem.

It’s difficult to gauge whether you have a cracked tooth or not, that’s why your dentist’s advice is very vital. If you’re showing any of the symptoms mentioned, seek the help of your dentist to prevent it from getting worse. Has it been treated right away so you don’t have to live with the dental pain?


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