How Long Do Dental Sealants Last, Maintenance Tips

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how long do dental sealants last maintenance tips

Dental sealants are protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars to prevent decay. They fill in the grooves on the teeth, preventing food particles and bacteria from becoming trapped and causing cavities. If you are thinking about getting dental sealants near you and wondering how long they last and how to take care of them. Here’s a guide on their longevity and maintenance tips to keep them in top condition.

Understanding Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a special coating that provides a protective layer on the teeth to prevent tooth decay. The dentist does this by applying a thin, plastic material coating to the chewing surface of your molars. These teeth have deep grooves and depressions that can trap food and bacteria, which can cause cavities.

The dentist will clean the tooth and then apply a gel to roughen the surface for sealant adhesion. After rinsing off the gel, the dentist put sealant on the tooth. A special light may be used to harden it. When applied, sealant forms a protective shield over the surface of the tooth.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

The life of dental sealants depends on the material used, application, and maintenance. On average, dental sealants can last for 5 to 10 years. However, some may wear off earlier due to habitually chewing hard things like ice or pens.

Though tooth sealant are strong and durable. Over time, the normal wear and tear from chewing can cause them to break down. This means that the dentist needs to look at them during regular appointments to see if there are any problems. If a sealant gets damaged or starts to wear away, it can sometimes need replacing to make sure the tooth stays protected.

Factors that Affect the Longevity of Dental Sealants

1. Oral Hygiene

If you don’t maintain good oral hygiene, then the dental coating can get affected severely by bacteria and plaque, leading to decay. Follow dental habits to keep dental sealant in optimal condition. Brushing and flossing regularly will prevent the building up of plaque, which can affect sealant eventually.

2. Diet

A balanced diet low in acidic and sugary foods can facilitate maintaining the integrity of sealants. Sugar-rich foods have the potential to accelerate deterioration surrounding the sealant, whereas acidic foods may erode it.

3. Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth, or bruxism, can accelerate the wear and tear of dental sealants. The pressure and friction from grinding can cause the sealants to crack or wear away more quickly. If you grind your teeth, it’s important to discuss it with your dentist, as they may recommend solutions to protect both your sealants and overall dental health.

4. Chewing Habits

Chewing hard objects, such as ice, pens, or even your fingernails, is a habit that can cause the dental sealants to chip or break. To extend the sealant’s lifespan, such chewing habits need to be avoided.

5. Dental Checkups

Dental sealants require routine dental examinations. The dentist can evaluate their conditions and perform any necessary reapplications to ensure they last for a long time.

Tips to Maintain Dental Sealants

To ensure that your dental tooth sealant lasts as long as possible, follow the below-mentioned basic care tips:

1. Brush and Floss Daily

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a way to keep your dental sealants in optimal condition. Brush at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day to remove food particles and plaque from the teeth.

2. Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

A soft-bristled toothbrush is gentle on your teeth and your dental sealants. The hard bristles wear the sealant down over some time. So, the dentist recommends utilizing a soft-bristled brush to clean your teeth.

3. Avoid Consumption of Hard and Sticky Foods

Hard candy, ice, and sticky sweet foods have the potential to affect dental sealants. Try to avoid consumption of these foods to maintain the sealant in good shape. Rather, you can consume them in moderation; remember to rinse your teeth after having them.

4. Wear a Mouthguard if You Grind Your Teeth

If you grind your teeth at night, using a mouthguard will help to prevent your dental sealants from excessive wearing.

5. Visit a Dentist Regularly

To extend the life of dental sealants, routine dental examinations are crucial. Your dentist will evaluate the condition of the sealants and reapply them if need be. They can also clean your teeth and remove plaque buildup that may affect the sealant.

6. Avoid Chewing Hard Objects

Chewing hard objects like pens, pencils, or even fingernails may cause a dental sealant to chip off or break. If you are one of those people who chew hard things, find some healthier alternative to manage your stress or boredom.

Dental sealants seal the tooth, preventing food and bacteria from getting into the grooves of the molars and preventing tooth decay. Although dental sealants may last up to 5 to 10 years, their longevity might be affected by oral hygiene, diet, chewing habits, and more. Following these maintenance tips will help dental sealants last for as long as possible.

Protect and Preserve Teeth with the Right Dental Care Today!

Keep28 Dental Centre is a professional clinic dedicated to its patients’ dental health and smiles. Our team of dentist in Newmarket offers quality dental care and ensures that you are comfortable and relaxed during your visit to the clinic. We provide pocket-friendly treatment plans that make it accessible to all. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us today! Our dentist can give you the necessary information to help you make the right choices for your dental health.


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