What To Do In Case A Tooth Is Bleeding?

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  • What To Do In Case A Tooth Is Bleeding?

If your tooth is broken and bleeding, it’s important to act fast. Call our dentist in Newmarket right away because a broken tooth is a serious dental problem that needs immediate attention.

If you notice bleeding after your tooth breaks, it’s likely from your gums, not the tooth itself. But don’t ignore it; get it treated as soon as possible. You can try some simple methods at home to stop the bleeding. However, there is no other remedy to fix a broken tooth but to visit our dentist.

For fast relief to stop the bleeding, use a clean piece of washcloth or gauze and soak it in cold water. If your teeth feel sensitive to cold, try using warm water instead to help stop the bleeding. Remove excess water and apply it to the bleeding area. Do not press too hard, as it may worsen the fracture.

A broken tooth may not be painful, but that does not mean it should be ignored. Don’t wait until your tooth’s fracture worsens. If your broken tooth isn’t bleeding, you can do some first aid at home until you’re able to see your dentist. Gargle with warm water and place a cold pack on the cheek or lips over your broken tooth. You can take a pain reliever to help reduce any discomfort you may be feeling.

When to Seek Professional Help

Bleeding from a tooth often indicates a more serious issue, such as damage to the tooth’s deeper structures or underlying gum disease. Here’s when you should call our Newmarket dental clinic:

  • Persistent bleeding: If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 15-20 minutes of applying pressure.
  • Severe pain: Intense pain could indicate that the tooth’s nerve is exposed.
  • Swelling and infection: Swelling, pus, or other signs of infection need immediate dental attention.

Why Immediate Dental Care is Essential

A broken tooth near you or a bleeding tooth often means that there’s damage that needs professional attention. Even if the pain subsides or the bleeding stops, underlying issues may remain. Visiting a dentist immediately can prevent infections and more serious dental procedures in the future.

Preventing Future Dental Issues

The best way to avoid sudden dental problems is by taking care of your teeth beforehand. Here are some tips to help keep your teeth healthy and strong:

  • Regular dental check-ups: Make sure to come to our clinic for regular check-ups and cleanings. This helps catch any problems early on, which can prevent bigger issues down the road.
  • Good oral hygiene: Brush and floss your teeth twice daily to maintain good oral health. This helps prevent decay and gum disease, which can lead to bleeding and other dental issues.
  • Healthy diet: Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of vitamins and minerals to keep your teeth healthy. Avoid excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks which can damage your teeth.

Why Choose Keep 28 Dental Centre?

At Keep 28 Dental Centre, we have been proudly serving the Newmarket community for over 35 years. Our experienced and compassionate team is dedicated to providing quality dental care for you and your family. Whether you need emergency dental treatment or routine care, we are here to help.

When your broken tooth is bleeding, it means the fracture has gone deep into the tooth, possibly exposing a nerve. It can be very painful when this happens, and our dentist in Newmarket may recommend having a root canal and crown treatment. Keep 28 is your local dental clinic at Newmarket that you can easily go to for this type of emergency.

The key to avoiding a broken tooth is taking good care of your teeth. Don’t ignore any bleeding in your mouth, as it could indicate gum disease, a serious issue.

If you are experiencing any mouth discomfort, make an appointment with our dentist at Keep 28 immediately. You can call us, visit our website or visit our dental practice located at 17035 Yonge St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 5Y1, Canada.

Let us help you to deal with your broken tooth.


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